I arrived at the house about 5 o'clock as planned. I wore a thin yellow dress in keeping with the desert weather. It was cut low enough to reveal a little cleavage which was intentional. I wanted my womanliness to be impressed on all for the period prior to disrobing. My appearance was in no way unusual, however, as evidenced by the fact that I went to the best restaurant in the town for dinner prior to showing up at the meeting and attracted no undue attention.
The two day program can best be described as a series of "exercises" which is a not inappropriate word since we were participating in a sensitivity training workshop. When we had all arrived, gotten introduced and down to business all in our arriving clothes we sat around in a circle in the living room of the house. Paul Bindrim, the Leader, spoke to us and explained a bit about the history and purpose of such get togethers and attempted to allay the nervousness of some of the participants. Then he had us go around the circle one by one and introduce ourselves by name, telling the kind of work we did, and a few words about ourselves and our interests. I did not reveal myself at this point, just giving some general information.
The second exercise was that each of us in turn got up and stood in front of one person and without saying anything looked him or her in the eye steadily for about a minute; and then, following previous instruction, we "did what our bodies told us to do." The reactions varied greatly. Sometimes the two (regardless of sex) would just throw their arms around each other and hug a few moments. Several times two of the fellows wrestled a bit on the floor, one commenting, "I never had a brother I could wrestle with." One member of the group had been particularly up tight, critical and defensive to the point that people wanted to loosen him up and several of the others just took hold of him and shook him as hard as they could. In my turn I just gave him a quick shove and pushed him back in his chair and when he got up I repeated it, much to his surprise. One of the men who had known me before and who was rather surprised to see me there, was obviously a bit embarrassed and all he was able to say after the visual encounter was "Well, I guess you aren't so bad after all, Virginia." One of the girls who had never met me as Charles but whow knew I was a TV said something to me using the name Charles and various others, both men and women, gave me hugs and/or kisses.